Finders Keepers Ceramic Keepsakes

Congratulations if you found one of our “Finders Keepers” keepsakes!  These pieces have been made by our 4th, 5th & 6th Class students in June 2023, under the careful guidance of Jaqui Ryan of Kinvara Pottery.  Jaqui came to our school over a number of weeks to teach the children to make the beautiful ceramic pieces. These keepsakes have bees, flowers, butterflies etc imprinted to represent  some of the flora / fauna which can be found in our locality along with an Irish word to value and spread our language.  We hope you enjoyed your time in Kinvara and the surrounding area.  We would be really interested to hear from you where you found your keepsake and where you are from?  You can contact us at or on twitter @northamptonns2